Friday 15 June 2012


Hi all,

I feel like life is flying by! More than half the year is gone, but I'm so pleased with my productivity! I've definitely been keeping myself busy, and I hope that it will pay off in the future.

I'm currently on my mid semester break - and a long one at that. With no exams I get 7 weeks off! Woohoo! Had this been the case in highschool, I would have just watched tv and slept in. But no, even though my education is only 9 hours a week with 3 days, I'm balancing that with work, which is 12 hours over 3 days. I can't believe I'm working more than I am at uni!

But on top of that, I managed to land an internship at Shop Til You Drop Magazine! I was beyond thrilled! I was invited to a trial and learnt so much that day. Even just stepping foot into the fashion closet (where I will be most of the time) and the editorial offices and just experiencing the vibe of the place and how everyone interacts with each other was amazing.

When I first entered the fashion closet, I was just so overwhelmed with the racks and piles of clothing, shoes and accessories. It was insane! I was worked with a wonderful fellow intern who was so helpful and lovely. Our main task was packing and labelling clothing to be sent off to their respective clothing or PR companies. I was also lucky enough to enter a photography room. I was just so surprised by how quickly time passed.

I'm so happy to have a foot into the magazine industry. To be interning at a magazine under the ACP company which publishes a number of different magazines is such a great opportunity. This time last year I would have been freaking out over the half yearly exams. Who would've thought I would be studying journalism at UTS with a part time job and an internship at respectable fashion magazine?

I guess I'm just glad to be proving Ms Kristovskis (spelling? haha) wrong. It was in an extension 1 english class she was substituting when she went around the room asking everyone what course they wanted to do. Mina and Candice had both said journalism which she seemed fine with. But when she came to me, a more quiet and reserved person, she declared that I shouldn't do it and it wasn't right for me. I was so embarrassed and offended. She barely knew me as a person nor had she read anything I had written. I feel like I've grown so much as a person since then. I'm so much more confident and journalism has definitely pushed me into getting over my fear of talking to strangers.

It's such a cliche but seriously, follow your dreams! You can never predict how far you can go in such a short amount of time.

I consider myself to be living such a full life. There is always something to do, almost everyday is jam packed. I'm sure when uni kicks in again managing my life will be even more difficult. But right now, I am so content. I've managed to achieve all these things on my own. I have no connections. I'm just determined to get to my end goal: to be employed at a magazine!